As a result of forging the rim of the wheels at high pressures and spinning them at high speeds, the molecular structure of the alloy is altered, and the alloy is strengthened. As a result, these flow forming wheels are much lighter than regular cast wheels.
The first main benefit here is a lighter wheel because less material is used. Different flow forming techniques and manufacturing processes result in a wheel that's anywhere from 15% to 25% lighter than a cast wheel. The second is increased strength.
As a result, the molecular structure of the alloy is altered and the strength is enhanced. The benefit is a much lighter weight than a regular cast wheel. In addition to reducing rotational mass, the outer rim of the wheel also enhances vehicle performance by dramatically reducing rotational mass.
JWHEEL is specifically designed to give rigidity to your vehicle tyre. High performance wheels offer an improved handling system and outstanding tyre look.
Your custom fitment specialists, custom flow forged wheels to suit your vehicle requirements
Finest custom Flow Formed 1-piece, 2-Piece and 3-piece, for high performance sports and luxury vehicles.